
How to show your ‘author thumbnail’ in Google’s search results


You must have seen them by now; the little author thumbnails that appear in Google search results. They sure do stand out, but struth, crikey mate!… how the hell do they work?

Google’s recent push to highlight content creators in search results is a great idea (I think). It really adds some ‘pazazz’ to your Google listing and watch-this-space, it’s going to be huge! (when all of us web peeps get off our arses and work out how to implement it).

I’ve recently got my head around this fantastic new Google feature, so rather than reinvent the wheel; I found that old mate Joost de Valk has written a couple of great articles you should check out… “rel=”author” and rel=”me” in WP and other platforms” and “Highlighting WordPress authors in search“.


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